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csv file
Working with CSV files in C#

In this article, we will discuss working with CSV files in C#. Working with CSV files in C# can be a very useful and importa..

LINQ in C#

In this article, we will discuss the LINQ in C#, with the help of quite a good coding example we wil..

Reflection in C#

In this article, we will discuss Reflection in C#, with the help of coding examples we will s..

best practices async await csharp
best practices of async await and asynchronous programming

Asynchronous programming has been widely used in C# almost in every kind of .Net application and async and await keywords have been the core of the same which hides most of the complexity to implement asynchronous programming in C# language and makes it easy for developer..

exception handling
Exception Handling in C#

In this article, we will discuss Exception handling in C# with examples. The process of handl..

overload override
Method overloading, Method overriding in C#

In this article, we will discuss Method overloading and Method overriding in C#, These two ar..

csharp 11
C# 11 Features

This article will explain some new C# 11 features that will make it simpler for you to write faster, clearer, and more expre..

Difference between String and StringBuilder in C#

This article explains the differences between String and StringBuilder in C#, as well as when to use each. Their justifications will assist us in deciding what should be used in..

ilist vs list vs icollection
IEnumerable vs ICollection vs IList vs List in C#

In this article, we will discuss the usage of IEnumerable vs ICollection vs IList vs List in ..

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Difference between Finally, Finalize and Dispose in C#

In this article, We will learn about using the finally, finalize and dispose method, as well as what makes them different. In C# ..

readonly const yield
Readonly, const and yield keyword usage in C#

In this article, we will discuss the usage of Readonly, const, and yield key..

csharp ten
C# 10 New Features

In this article, we'll discuss about several new C# 10 features that will make it easier for you to develop code that is fas..

Single, SingleOrDefault() vs First, FirstOrDefault() in C#

The distinctions between Single, SingleOrDefault, and <..

Dependency Injection in C#

In this article, we will discuss dependency injection in C# and how to implement Dependency I..

list Ienum
List vs IEnumerable in C#

In this article, we will discuss the difference between the List vs IEnumera..

Generic Collection Type Dictionary in C# with examples

In this article, we’ll discuss the Generic Collection Type<TKey, Tvalue> dictionary in C# with examples. A Dict..

monitor pics
How to monitor a directory in C#

In this article, we will discuss how to monitor a directory in C#. Monitoring changes in a folder is..

refit library CSharp call rest api endpoint
Use Refit Library to Call Rest Api Endpoint in C# and Core

Calling the REST API endpoint to retrieve and update the data is a common requirement of Desktop/Web Application and Refit library makes it's super easy to call the external web service or API.

Refit library can be used in legacy .Net Framework, Xamarin as well .Net Core, and .Net Standard Frameworks. Refit 6 uses System.Text.Json as the ..

d hash
Dictionary vs Hashtable in C#

In this article, we will discuss the difference between the Dictionary vs Hashtable in..

Lambda Expression in C#

In this article, we will discuss the Lambda expression in C#, with the help of quite a good c..

func action delegates
Delegates, Action and Func in C#

In this article, we will discuss the usage of Delegates, Action, and Func in C#,

Static Class, Interface, Abstract Class
Static class, Abstract class and Interface in C# with examples

Static Class

Static Class is a special kind of class that can't be instantiated means we can't create an instance of the static class in C# language. It can only contain static members like static methods, static constructors, static property, etc... A static class is a sealed class tha..

extension methods in c sharp
How to implement and use Extension Method in C# with examples

C# provides a  very useful feature to extend the feature of an existing type without requiring the source code of original data type or permission of author who created the original type. Use of extension method is very common and every application creates one or more extension methods based on thier custom requirement. We will see some of the easiest example of Extension methods and see h..